About Me

Hello! My name is Amity Hoffman…I’m a Tampa Bay based filmmaker and producer whose goal is to promote empathy through film.

My current work is dedicated to using the documentary film genre to better represent marginalized communities.  “My Name Is Annabel” (2023, Executive Producer), a short doc about a young Latina performer with Down syndrome, is currently making the film festival circuit.  “The Best Show In Town”, my first documentary film (2021, Director / Cinematographer / Editor) , was a solo project and true labor of love. “BSIT” focuses on theater and the intellectual disability community, and can now be watched for free on the film’s website.

I bring 30 years of theater performance, directing, and design experience to my work. I have worked both as a videographer and editor for non-profit organizations, corporate and family events, as well as small independent film projects. For four years I served as the Digital Video Technology instructor for a local technical college and I currently make ends meet by working as a Production Account Manager for Kernel / Spectrum Reach writing and producing television and streaming media campaigns.

I have lived the past 20+ years in the Sarasota, Florida area with my wonderfully supportive family, but will always be a Kansas girl at heart.

Want to learn more?

Check out my portfolio.

How can we work together?

Contact me.